Is it too cold to clean my windows?
Woman standing by cold windows

Is it too cold to clean my windows?

Platinum WindOW

n middle Tennessee, your windows will generally stay cleaner, longer in the winter. Think about it, no bugs, spiders, less birds to leave a deposit. More frequent rain generally means cleaner rain. 

Cold weather also brings icy surfaces. Cleaning windows outdoors during icy conditions poses a significant safety risk due to slippery surfaces, potentially leading to accidents and injuries.

Cleaning windows is a routine chore, but when the temperatures plummet, it might be wise for a Do-it-yourselfer (DIY)  to reconsider grabbing that squeegee and bucket of soapy water. Let's delve into reasons why cleaning windows during frigid weather might not be the best idea, and potential consequences it can bring.

Using traditional window cleaning solutions during freezing temperatures can be counterproductive. Water-based solutions can freeze almost instantly upon contact with the cold glass, leaving streaks and residue that are challenging to remove. Applying warm water or cleaning solutions to freezing-cold glass can lead to thermal shock. This rapid expansion and contraction of the glass can cause cracks or even shattering, especially in older or compromised windows. That’s no good!

Cold weather also brings icy surfaces. Cleaning windows outdoors during icy conditions poses a significant safety risk due to slippery surfaces, potentially leading to accidents and injuries. Also, window cleaning solutions might not work as efficiently in freezing temperatures, leading to streaks, smudges, or incomplete cleaning, resulting in unsatisfactory outcomes.

So when should you clean your windows in the winter?

Wait for a stretch of milder weather with temperatures above freezing to ensure a more effective and safer window cleaning experience. Schedule window cleaning during warmer parts of the day to avoid freezing temperatures, ensuring both safety and better cleaning results.

In colder weather, consider using specialized winter window cleaning solutions designed to work effectively in low temperatures. Additionally, use less water and more dry cleaning techniques to minimize the risk of freezing. When in doubt or if facing challenging weather conditions, consider contacting Platinum Window Cleaning. We can help schedule window cleaning that works with you!

So while the desire for spotless windows is 100% understandable, cleaning windows during extremely cold weather presents risks that outweigh the benefits. It’s essential to prioritize safety and effectiveness when considering window cleaning in freezing temperatures.

Looking for window cleaning help in and around Nashville? Contact Platinum Window Cleaning today!